Welcome to the Jungle

Ladies, gentlemen, boys, and girls: welcome to the jungle. And yes, if you were wondering, I've got fun and games. I am a virgin blogger, so please bear with me while I fine-tune all aspects of this thing known as "blogging." First off, I know nothing about this: what to write, what font I want to use, what layout looks smooth, and so on. The possibilities are quite overwhelming and have got me in a daze. Courier new, arial, classic times new roman??? My head is in a spin.

Additionally, my head is in a spin because I am currently under the weather. In laymen's terms, I am sick. And how I did this to myself, oh you won't believe. So, I'm parched late Sunday night, and I grab myself a glass of OJ. I take one sip and make one of those bitter beer faces from those commercials. Anyways, the genius James thinks, "Oh, it's probably just the top layer that was bad." So, I drink about half of the glass and my face twisted more than a lemon sucking on a lemon. Picture that. Ok good. I felt sick the next morning, sore throat, coughing, tired, etc.

Isn't it ironic? Don't ya think?
That's what she said... Alanis Morissette that is.

I get sick from drinking OJ? Good ol' vitamin C, boosting that immune system. Even worse, what do I do now? Whenever I got sick, I drank OJ to make myself feel better. Now what? I drink that which has become my enemy? That which I consumed, now consumes me (there's my philosophical shot at the moon statement). I can't even stand looking at orange juice, let alone orange products like orange chicken. I'm almost on the verge of boycotting citrus products in general, minus Sprite. I'll take my apple, pear, or grape juice instead, thank you very much.

And thank you for stopping by. Stay healthy and stay hungry. There's no need to be getting sick in this busy world of ours. Remember, it's a jungle out there.



camille (visit their site)

oh, jamesawockee.

welcome to the blogging world. you certainly have natural blogging skills!! we are excited to read more.

get well soon. stupid oj.