Green around the Gills

ok, so green is one of my favorite colors. the color of leaves, frogs, chameleons (sometimes), sprite, eggs and ham, and so on. it's a great color, not going to lie. but as of late, i've been getting sick of it.

it is its environmental connections that get me "green around the gills."

green = in vogue

now, i'm not trying to be "anti-earth," and don't believe that our dear Gaia (for you mythologically illiterate, "mother earth") needs a break, but seriously, EVERYTHING seems to have an environment-friendly side to it nowadays. i'm beginning to think st. patrick's day is around the corner again. for example, i'm watching the office episode i DVRed right now and guess what color that little logo is.... green. i watch an astros game and all of a sudden, our hats are the color... green. i'm watching the NBA playoffs and the players are wearing warmups that are the color... green. the consumer products...
green works, green light bulbs... geez, i want to puke. eco-friendly plastic bags, eco-friendly paper bags, eco-friendly pencils, eco-friendly toys... i'm beginning to think if i'm not eco-friendly, i won't have any friends. oh, but that's okay, i can just grow my own friends.

what about all those environmentally friendly cars? all competing to be the most "fuel efficient" and "less harmful" to the environment. what has changed so much in the past months/years? so, al gore makes a movie... big whoop. i'm just wondering what we're headed towards... i wake up under my recycled blanket, head over to the plastic shower and use organic soap and shampoo, put on my biodegradeable shirt and pants, and drive in my hybrid smart car to work. honestly, if companies just slap on the word "organic" or "green" or something of that "nature" (haha, come on... laugh with me) in front of their product, it will sell. it can be the exact same thing... green clorox, organic snickers, etc. it's really quite ridiculous. oh, i forgot, that disney movie wall-e showed us the future... really wanting to puke.

so, i'll end my rant on this. i don't mean to sound so complainy and whatever, but come on... eco-friendly pencils?!? i feel like a real life zoolander "derelicte" show is just around the corner. now that would make me
green with envy.

remember kids: reduce, reuse, and recycle. oh yeah, and rockets.

hope you enjoyed. thanks for reading!


The new workout Plan

this blog title is an old Ye track (Ye = kanye... that's what his friends call him, me not being one of them). it's a pretty good song, kinda catchy.

anyways, i myself have decided on a new workout plan... well, maybe not new, per se, since that implies that i had an "old" workout plan. i have a workout plan. there. not really sure what impelled me... maybe it was me catching the fast and the furious on FX and seeing vin diesel's yoked-up bod, or that new movie called "fighting" coming out, or whatever. on a side note, what a great title for a movie... "fighting". brief and to the point. yo dude, what movie are we watching again? that fighting movie.... BAM, title of the movie right in the sentence. unforgettable title. i'll be totally and utterly surprised if it doesn't gross as much as another one-worded title, titanic.

but yes, i started last saturday, and i am one out of shape mother f'er. i got on this stair stepper thing and confidently set my timer for 30 minutes... yeah, that was wishful thinking. i felt the burn almost 30 seconds in and had to hop off for a break about 3 minutes in. you may laugh, and i will laugh with you. push-ups, crunches, leg lifts, lather, rinse, repeat. it was all good. i realized that i actually "enjoyed" it. i've heard that it releases some endorphins or something like that, so that was probably it.

however, the next day, my body felt like a huge tub of jelly?. mmm, jelly . i probably slept 12 hours because my body was so exhausted and tired. but give this tub of jelly a couple of weeks and months, and hopefully, it'll turn into a umm, hmm, can't really come up with a proper metaphor... maybe i should've went with cream or milk and then in a couple of weeks it could be whipped into a nice butter. yeah, that makes sense.

here's to hoping i actually follow through with this. thanks for reading!


Celebrity lookalikes (american idol Edition)

Justin Timberlake and Matt Giraud

Kelly Clarkson and Allison Iraheta

Anoop Desai and Big Bird


It's all the sun's Fault

i had a revelation last night. it was magnificent. mind-blowing. earth-shattering. heaven-shaking. etc. etc.

i finally understood why i'm such a lazy bum. i take that back. i finally understood why i'm such a bum. yeah, i'm graduating and this is my last semester, blah blah blah. but no, this has been a pattern dating back to high school. and i finally understand why.

it's all the sun's fault, with a little help from the earth.

so i'm a procrastinator, but who isn't? but i realized something very important as i started a 7 page paper last night.

i am superman.

i feed off the energy of the sun. when the sun is out, i still believe i have time to waste. this is usually constituted by this pattern:

- check facebook
- check my school e-mail
- check g-mail
- check to see if there are any eye-catching headlines like 'man gets eaten by tiger' or 'tiger gets eaten by man'
- click on entertainment section of cnn
- check facebook
- check g-mail
- put on a song on youtube that i'm currently into
- check g-mail

you get the point. and this vicious cycle repeats until the sun goes down! such a waste of time! so why is it the sun's fault that i become a slacker? it's because in the fall, the sun goes down so much earlier! that way, i feel like i have to get work done since it's dark. the sun's not out, so i can't go outside and play. and then in the spring, the sun stays out for so much longer! so i don't get started until 8 or 9 at night, which is ridiculous. case in point, i started that 7 page paper at 8 and didn't finish until 5:30 in the morning. i'm really not a slacker, really... ok, maybe just a little bit.

see, it's not my fault. it's all the sun's fault.

thanks for reading! take care.


I'm lovin It

first off, i have to preface this blog by apologizing to my dad. he is a manager at a whataburger, so if you stumble upon this dad, no hard feelings, ok? ok good. don't worry, i still wuv you.

alright. mcdonald's has THE best breakfast menu among the fast food chains. hands down, i repeat, best breakfast. not that i'm scarfing down a delicious sausage, egg, and cheese mcgriddles along with a crispy hash brown right now or am biased or anything like that. i'm sticking to my guns. best breakfast.

the variety just blows the the competition out of the water. if mcdonald's is the titanic pre-iceberg, then the rest of the competition is just flotsam (SAT word, thanks testmasters!) afterwards. what's that jack? you're serving breakfast bowls? honestly, i believe the only item that should be served in a bowl for breakfast is cereal. how dare you spoil cereal, jack. how dare you. wait, wait... the king is serving a croissan'wich for breakfast? yeah, THAT sounds enticing. a croissant for breakfast. this is not france. i believe you have been dethroned. should i rag on whataburger? sure, why not. a taquito? actually, i can't really complain. those things are scrum-diddily-umptious. and then when they're in the 99 cent seasonal phase, even better. so much for whataburger, name it whataquito. i know, i know, why not whatataquito? because look at that name. it's both repetitive and too long to say. relaxy cab is sooo much better than relaxy taxi, ya feel me?

from the flaky biscuit sandwiches, the warm muffin sandwiches, the all-inclusive mcgriddles sandwiches, and new bagel sandwiches to the hash browns and breakfast platters, mickey d's definitely has a leg up on the competition. on a side note, this blog is makin' me huuuuungry. i almost literally just salivated like Pavlog's dogs at the mere mention of breakfast items. stupid operant conditioning. anyways, i'm gettin' back to work.

thanks for reading!! take care.


Love and Basketball

i love basketball. i love it so much that if it were a person, i would marry it. high school, college (go UNC!), or NBA, it doesn't matter, it's all good. the three-pointers, the dunks, the passes. amazing. i'm actually surprised i haven't blogged about this topic before.

i enjoy all sports, don't get me wrong, but basketball is my clear-cut favorite. let me tell you why. basketball has both the team and individual aspect. a good team can win, but also a team with a superstar who can control the game by himself can also win. it's extremely tough for a quarterback to win by himself given he depends on his wide receivers or offensive line to block for him. a pitcher can control the defense, but not the offense. also, two words: michael jordan. i could go on forever about that guy, but that's boring.

march madness... NBA playoffs in april... are you kidding me? screw wedding season and christmas, i'll take this every time. i actually aspired to be in the NBA... i had these dreams and visions of being the next jordan... well, asian jordan. but then i realized something very important. i am a short/slim mother f'er. quick side note: my dad just said over the phone, "how is the meat?" really dad? i would say that's what she said, but... yeah... not sure he would get that one. now where was i? oh yes, my future as an NBA star. i really was crushed when i realized that i wasn't going to cut it. it took a total of a day to get over it.

well, back to the game. hope you enjoyed reading. thanks!
