If concerts could Kill

tonight, i was a victim.

i have never been to a real live concert before in my life. ok, ok, i lied. i went to a TRL concert headlined by destiny's child in eighth grade, you caught me. but seriously, our seats were in the nosebleeds and i already mentioned it... destiny's child was headlining. come on, independent women? you're damn right. independently doing their own thing. ahh, such group love. anyways, i digress. i went to an actual concert for the first time. i'm talking about standing the whole time, jumping up and down, singing memorized lyrics with about a thousand other people, people fainting, and yes, even people throwing up next to me. it was an absolutely crazy night that i will not forget.

who killed the show? funny you asked. the killers did. they did an absolutely amazing job. brandon flowers surprised me with his showmanship and his vocals. you know how those songs sound on the radio? they sound the exact same, if not better, live... and he maintained for an hour and a half! (that's what she said.) incredible. on the opposite end of the spectrum, i left the concert hoarse and in need of something to quench my thirst. (gatorade, anyone?) american idol, i clearly am not. the visuals were stunning. different backdrops, the lighting effects, the bubbles dropping over us, the confetti, and the finishing pyro. i didn't care about the fact that i was about to pass out since i hadn't eaten in a few hours and that my hearing had temporarily been lowered. i had experienced something mind-blowing. 

here's a little taste of the concert. it's a little song called "somebody told me," maybe you've heard of it. NB: if you suffer from motion sickness, do not watch the video. now i didn't go around shaking my camera like a polaroid picture (thanks outkast), but i may have rocked the boat a little bit (and thank you aaliyah, RIP). 

hope you enjoyed reading. take care.
