Double Feature

i'm back! i apologize for the unexcused absence... i got sidetracked with different things: projects, school, text messages, christmas, etc... but don't think that i have forgotten about you. how have you been? i'm fine, thanks for asking. actually, i'm better than fine. i feel like a million bucks. i don't even know what that could mean, but it's a saying.

speaking of bucks, i got some pocket change for christmas, along with a blazer (it's off the hook! well, not literally off a hook per se... more like off the rack, but i digress), some loafers (i know, what am i? a 50 year old man?), my first digital camera (perhaps expect some photos in the future that attempt to show my sensitive/artsy side... yeah right), boxers, boxers, and even more boxers (how does that spice girls song go? too much of something is bad enough... and too much of nothing is just as tough. i think that about sums it up. although, they are the most practical gift.. along with socks and undershirts), the dark knight (no comment. movie speaks for itself), the first season of arrested development (underrated, hilarious show that i find incredibly funny. catch an episode, they're all good), and the coup de grace, killers tickets! (i keep looking at them the way tom hanks looked at the picture of helen hunt in the locket while he was on the island in castaway. i still can't believe it.)

anyways, onto my actual post. the title as you see is "double feature" and this, of course, refers to a movie double feature. recently, i just experienced my first double feature at the theater. for those of you who do not know what context clues are, a double feature is when you go to the movie theater and watch two movies. i must say, i loved it. first off, i'm a huge fan of the silver screen and plus, a gajillion movies are out! the movies were yes man, with jim carrey, and valkyrie, with tom cruise.

yes man is a romcom (romantic comedy) about a guy very much like that david spade character in those capital one commercials where he says no to everything. given it's a romantic comedy, he has to meet a girl and fall head over heels for her. spoiler alert: he gets the girl in the end.. i know, i know, big surprise. boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back.... that general plot has never been done before. his love interest, this spunky Bjork-like girl played by zooey deschanel. quick side note: was zooey deschanel the girl that sang that song about kissing a girl? oh wait, that was her identical twin, katy perry.

anyways, i liked it. jim carrey hasn't had a movie out in a while and it was classic jim carrey... the downright bizarre nature of his comedy, the facial expressions, everything. my hat's off to him on a job well done. to yes man, i say yes!

another actor without a movie in a while is tom cruise and his holiday movie is valkyrie. this was a lot more dramatic than the first flick and i enjoyed it greatly. i mean, this is the last samurai we're talking about... agent ethan hunt, lestat, jerry maguire.. i could go on. in this movie, his role is claus von stauffenberg, a german, one-eyed insurgent against the one and only adolf hitler. while watching the movie, i was intrigued by the eyepatch. is it me, or are eyepatches badass? don't worry about hiding your loot or booty, the inner pirate in me won't plunder it. i'm just saying, tom cruise with no eyepatch... regular guy. tom cruise with an eyepatch... one badass mother f'er. i believe the reason is, you always have to wonder how the person got the eyepatch. more likely than not, it was due to a war and soldiers losing any body parts in war are beasts. prime example: lieutenant dan from forrest gump. he lost his legs and surprise surprise, bags an asian chick in the end. anyways, yes, the one-eyed tom cruise delivers in this movie. action, suspense, drama, it's all there. you just have to be on the lookout for it. keep one eye on the screen and the other... well, if you have a spare eye, keep it on the screen as well.

thanks for reading and merry belated christmas. the new year is almost here so goodbye 2008! take care.
