i'm back from my vacation in the caribbean and i loved every moment of it. the white, sandy beaches. the blue, serene water. i remember arriving at those waters for the first time and i stood there, spellbound, by the sea. i just wanted to jump in there... but wait. hold it. this fish can't swim. if you can picture a fish out of water, that's what i usually am when i'm IN the water. legs flailing, arms waving, i'm pretty much the definition of the word "relaxed" when i'm in the water. i attribute this phobia to something that happened in my childhood. regardless, i cannot swim.
until now.
i enrolled myself into swim classes (shoutout to groupon: keep sending me coupons on things 99% of the time i won't use). now, the groupon claimed that the class was for adults only. however, i had this idea in the back of my head that it would be me with a bunch of kids and that i would be the WORST student there and they would all laugh at me. this is not the case. there are about 9-10 adults in the class with me and we are all learning together. but literally right next to where we are learning, there are tons of kids who are training that make it look so easy. it's very discouraging for some people.
i'm getting there, slowly but surely. my freestyle doesn't have much style right now nor does my backstroke have any stroke. regardless, i got my feet wet... and then my legs, then my body, and then my head. i plunged headfirst into this and can only hope to stay afloat. hope's all i need, right? since hope floats? alright, i think i've reached my limit for horrible swimming jokes.
thanks for reading.
Sink or Swim
For someone Special
i usually don't write about my personal life in these blogs, but i figured i would break the rules for this special someone. i mean, when you're in love, real love, don't you just want to shout it out from the mountaintops? isn't this my very own mountaintop? www.blogger.com? the internet is a vast land and i would definitely put up blogger.com as a major mountain range next to google and yahoo. so i put together a little something for you, yes you. you know who you are:
it all started with a roommate situation,
that led to a ride "home." innocent flirtation.
your laugh broke my concentration,
and your beauty led to my adoration.
we began hanging out, catching one of our favorite shows, dexter.
who would have known that you would become my favorite texter.
to you, i am "mr. sarcastic",
but to me, you are "funnier than me"... fantastic.
i still remember our first date, catching alegria by cirque du soleil,
i hoped i wouldn't get shot down, screaming mayday, mayday!
but everything was alright, everything was okay.
you had me at hello, not to sound cliché.
what we have is the beginning of a saga,
anything else would be considered gaga.
truly, you are a woman. my one and only lady.
the rachel to ross, the beyonce to jay-z.
looking deep into your eyes, the perfect shades of blue,
i have fallen, fast. and that, you can not undo.
against them, i am a hopeless case. i surrender.
you accept my love which will never have to be returned to sender.
from the times that we drove places,
to the day that we rove ranges,
it's you and me against the world.
there's no one else i would rather have by my side than my girl.thanks for reading.
Going into Rapture
well, it's NOT the end of the world as we know it. rapture has come and gone and humanity has prevailed. looks like there will be a day after tomorrow the day after tomorrow. move aside evangelical christians, the mayans are on the clock with their 2012 prediction. anyways, the apocalypse got me to thinking about what i would do if i somehow stepped into a bomb shelter or dove under water for when the so-called rapture happened and i was the last human being on earth. here's my to-do list in no particular order:
- go to the nearest lexus dealership and commandeer an LFA. go to the indy 500 motor speedway and drive as fast as i wanted.
- hook up an xbox 360 to the big screen in the dallas cowboys stadium and play call of duty.
- walk on the grass.
- feed the animals at the san diego zoo (yes, animals have survived because i say so) and touch the glass
- run the bases at either fenway park or wrigley field. naked.
- go to the supermarket and load up on chips and salsa and twizzlers making sure not to touch the groceries on that magnetic pad after scanning them.
- finding a sniper rifle (barrett .50 cal if i had a choice) and trying to headshot all the mannequins at the mall of america.
- get a dog.
- watch "i am legend" and laugh at the irony of the situation. then barricade myself from vampires knowing they don't exist.
- become the next american idol.
- go to the energysolutions arena (where the utah jazz play) and recreate michael jordan's "final shot" (at the time) from the 1998 NBA finals. the shot must go in.
what would you do?
thanks for reading.
Who let the dog Out
i've always been a dog person. always have and always will be. don't get me wrong. cats are... unique. i just never got along with them and they have never got along with me. the litter box, the ball of yarn, the scratching post, furballs. no. not for me. i'd much rather take fetch, shaking hands, sitting, barking, and tail-wagging, thank you very much. to me, there's no competition. and to put the matter to rest, i have some evidence:

having a dog is no walk in the park. even when you are walking one in the park... it is still no walk in the park. as the title of post indicates, someone let the dog out, and that would be me. i have to let cooper out at least 30 times a day at his age. his bladder is probably the size of a grape and his metabolism is the complete opposite of a professional sumo wrestler's. however, those eyes... those puppy dog eyes... i think i have a weakness for eyes.
anyways, here's to potty training and treat giving. take care.
thanks for reading.
Just Dance
well well well... looks who's come crawling back. yes, i'm back. i have come out of my dental school shell not fully a dentist yet, but a quarter of a way there. we'll save the dental blog for another day since this one is titled just dance which has nothing to do with dentistry.
this blog struck me the other day when i was watching america's best dance crew... more affectionately referred to as ABDC. (it comes on at 9:00 CT on MTV if you were just wondering and if you didn't have anything else better to do and since there is nothing better to do at that time, you should just watch it). i have been a fan of the show ever since the first season when the original champions, Jabbawockeez, who obviously inspired the name of my blog, came full force to the show. the moves, the comedy, the music, and for lack of a better word, the *nsyncness that they all show is amazing. yes, i realized that it's in sync, but one of the judges on the show is jc chasez. if you don't know who that is... then, that pun was totally totally horrible. the show has challenges that each crew has to do during the performance and the way that they incorporate it is sometimes jaw-dropping. this season has been amazing so far (minus a crew that has way too many members cough cough street kingdom cough). i'm rooting for the hometown crew, I Am Me to take it all, so vote for them!
in other dance news, dance central for the xbox 360 kinect is an awesome game. you feel like a fool doing it but once you see the highlights of yourself dancing, you fully realize that yes indeed, you look like a fool. a fool who's learning how to jerk, crankin' that soulja boy, or plainly just dancin', lady gaga style.
thanks for reading.