Who is so Real?

i am.

For those of you who have no idea who Soreal is, first off, get out from the rock you are currently living under. They are a dance group from Houston (H-town, represent!) who was on the mtv show "america's best dance crew." Unfortunately, they lost and got second place, but personally I think they got robbed, not that I'm biased or from Houston or anything. I could write an entire column about their style, but that's boring for you, so head over to mtv.com and watch a few episodes. You just might get hooked.

Anyways, a couple of members from Soreal were at the roxy one night and my brother's girlfriend was able to snag one of them before they left. From the signature, it looks like andrew "goodfoot's" John Hancock, who is the member in the front and center of the picture.

I feel like a kid at show-and-tell. Remember that? When you would bring what you thought at the time was the COOLEST thing that you had. I think when I was a kid, I brought my Hakeem Olajuwon signed basketball. And now, a Soreal autographed picture. Some things never change.

Oh, if anyone finds those missing puzzle pieces that are scattered throughout my page, you'll get a reward. Not of the monetary nature, more like a pat-on-the-back kind. Thanks!



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