Green around the Gills

ok, so green is one of my favorite colors. the color of leaves, frogs, chameleons (sometimes), sprite, eggs and ham, and so on. it's a great color, not going to lie. but as of late, i've been getting sick of it.

it is its environmental connections that get me "green around the gills."

green = in vogue

now, i'm not trying to be "anti-earth," and don't believe that our dear Gaia (for you mythologically illiterate, "mother earth") needs a break, but seriously, EVERYTHING seems to have an environment-friendly side to it nowadays. i'm beginning to think st. patrick's day is around the corner again. for example, i'm watching the office episode i DVRed right now and guess what color that little logo is.... green. i watch an astros game and all of a sudden, our hats are the color... green. i'm watching the NBA playoffs and the players are wearing warmups that are the color... green. the consumer products...
green works, green light bulbs... geez, i want to puke. eco-friendly plastic bags, eco-friendly paper bags, eco-friendly pencils, eco-friendly toys... i'm beginning to think if i'm not eco-friendly, i won't have any friends. oh, but that's okay, i can just grow my own friends.

what about all those environmentally friendly cars? all competing to be the most "fuel efficient" and "less harmful" to the environment. what has changed so much in the past months/years? so, al gore makes a movie... big whoop. i'm just wondering what we're headed towards... i wake up under my recycled blanket, head over to the plastic shower and use organic soap and shampoo, put on my biodegradeable shirt and pants, and drive in my hybrid smart car to work. honestly, if companies just slap on the word "organic" or "green" or something of that "nature" (haha, come on... laugh with me) in front of their product, it will sell. it can be the exact same thing... green clorox, organic snickers, etc. it's really quite ridiculous. oh, i forgot, that disney movie wall-e showed us the future... really wanting to puke.

so, i'll end my rant on this. i don't mean to sound so complainy and whatever, but come on... eco-friendly pencils?!? i feel like a real life zoolander "derelicte" show is just around the corner. now that would make me
green with envy.

remember kids: reduce, reuse, and recycle. oh yeah, and rockets.

hope you enjoyed. thanks for reading!



alee (visit their site)

hm, I feel you on that one. I don't recycle as much as i guess I "should".

Oh, and GREEN... is the color of our currency, and I definitely wouldn't mind seeing that kind of GREEN.