There will be Blood

blood brother.

hello. my name is james. and i am an addict. it's not meth. not cocaine. not any drug.

i am addicted to the show dexter. it seems that my sitcom days are behind me. i've replaced the light, friendly shows with a dark, macabre drama.

the show centers around dexter morgan: forensic scientist cop by day, serial killer by night. i had always heard good things about the show, but i didn't decide to start until a few days ago. let me say, when dexter first plunged a knife into one of his "victims," i plunged headfirst into his world, his lifestyle, his struggle. why does he do it? what forces push a man to take the life of another human being? the show is definitely not for the faint of heart, however, it does get the blood pumping. just be sure to hide all the knives and plastic wrap from eyesight.

i see some of myself in dexter. no, not the blood-thirsty killer aspect. rather, the meticulous, attention-to-detail aspects. i am a perfectionist and dexter can not afford to be anything less than that. a fingerprint, a drop of blood, a loose hair. all of these can be traced back to him if he's not careful. in addition, his dry, witty remarks are on par with mine. maybe his are better. i'm afraid if he reads this, he may kill me... what am i saying, "may"? he will kill me.

he's a killer, but yet somehow, you empathize and sympathize with him. there has to be a rhyme and reason for what he does. you have to find out for yourself. if you have not seen the show, i highly recommend it. like watch it. right now. exit this ridiculous blog. purchase netflix. find dexter season 1 episode 1 and queue that mother up. you won't be disappointed.

thanks for reading.


No man is an Island

apologies for my absence from the blogging world. a little thing called dental school has been taking up some of my time. it's like an annoying girlfriend... demanding time, testing your limits, exposing your flaws, expensive, etc. however, when the dust settles and all is said and done, you love her because she's your girlfriend no matter how annoying you may think she is. dental school, at times you annoy me, but at the end of the day, i love you.

now that that weird opening paragraph is out of the way, let's move on to today's topic. currently, i am living alone. from a previous blog, i mentioned purchasing my own condo, and now, i have finally moved into my own place.

life is different.

food is no longer prepared for me by my mom anymore. well, for the most part that is. she sometimes drops food off at my place. (hey, i'm the baby of the family. give me a break.) laundry isn't done for me anymore. bills aren't paid for. but aside from all of the material differences, there is no other person living with me. i can do whatever i want. i can put on my socks, underwear, white button-down shirt, and sunglasses on and reenact the tom cruise risky business scene. why even stop there? i could just reenact the entire movie if i wanted to. in that same outfit. i am the master of my domain.

however, i am rarely in my condo. this condo sees as much as me as vampires see the light of day. i find myself needing to be around others. i need to crack a joke. i need to say something sarcastic. i need to make a funny face. and if you think for one second that i'm an attention whore, you're mistaken. sadly mistaken. i just enjoy the company of others. there is no equal to the feeling i get when i make others laugh. and one day, i will make people smile. that's why, i will be the first dentist to also work at mcdonald's because apparently, they love to see you smile as well. who would've thought that mcdonald's and i would have so much in common? not i.

i've always been a people person. i mean, what other kind of person is there? an animal person? a plant person? those people are called zoologists and botanists, respectively. so it's hard not living with someone when i have for the past 23 years of my life. the people that join me for dinner are either from the jersey shore, or on big brother, or play football. however, this is a valuable learning experience and is definitely making me more independent. i am a chef, maid, student, investor, financier all rolled up into one. try to imagine that kind of outfit. you can't.

no man is an island. ironically, i'm from the philippines which is a bunch of islands... so... hmm... paradox? conundrum?

that is all for now. this post was all over the place. definitely need to get back into the blogging groove.

thanks for reading.
